I have always wanted to photograph a birth so when I was asked to do one I jumped at the chance! We met up once at a coffee shop to talk about expectations and some of the nuts and bolts of how this would work. They told me they didn’t know baby’s gender and wanted dad to be the one to announce it after the birth. They also were going to try everything possible to avoid an epidural and c-section for medical reasons. I let them know that I would be photographing their birth as it happened in a documentary format, and would be trying my best not to distract mom by turning lights on, using a flash, or asking her to look a certain direction etc. The only time I asked them to do anything in particular before baby was born was when I asked dad to stand on the side of the bed with better light when it was clear baby was going to be born soon.
I can’t even put into words how amazing it was to watch these two birth their son. Mom was an absolute trooper and managed her goal of a natural childbirth despite a long drawn out labor and all the pain associated with it. Dad was with her the entire way and it was clear the two of them have a great partnership and they will be excellent parents!
Since birth photography requires me to be on call for up to 4 weeks (I am never farther than 2 hours away from the hospital during that time frame and ready to go at a moment’s notice) I have to be selective about what time of year I can take them on. Planned c-sections are very doable if your doctor is okay with having a photographer in the hospital with you. If you’re interested in having me photograph your birth please contact me about pricing and whether you’re due at a time I’m available.
If you’re due at a time of year when it’d be practically impossible for me to be on call (say…Sept-Dec?) I am always available for Fresh 48 Photo Sessions where I’ll come to the hospital within the first 48 hours of your baby’s birth to take some documentary photos of your family in the hospital before you’re discharged. These are not super posed and do not include props, they are just sweet photos of your brand new baby and your family!