I enjoy photographing families and try to make the experience as fun as possible. I know the thought of having family photos done is incredibly daunting with all the outfit planning (and whether everyone will wear what you carefully pick out), praying for a good hair day, worrying about pimples (I edit those out I promise!), stressing about whether your children will cooperate, and wondering if the camera really does add ten pounds. I totally get it and I promise that it usually turns out better than you think. Kids who won’t do a thing they are told magically behave when I need them to (or I trick them so they don’t know it!) and I will show you how to pose in such a way that makes you look ten pounds lighter. It’s magic I tell you.
I really enjoyed meeting this fun family of five last month. We arranged to meet at their home outside of town and I scouted around their property for a short while to find some fabulous locations that they had no idea even existed. If you have some property I can almost guarantee you that I’ll find a great spot for your photos even if all you see is acres of scrub and weeds! If they were stressed about having photos taken they didn’t show it because by the end of our time together we were having a really good time. I’m pretty sure I heard some chuckles and since they were all so cooperative we were finished within an hour.