Every now and again I get the wild idea to take my own two children out for a photo shoot. I generally decide to do it on the spur of the moment when I glance outside and see beautiful late afternoon sunshine and have nothing else going on and no client galleries to be working on. Today was such a day! I quickly sweet talked my children into letting me pick out their outfits and to let me take their pictures and was at the park within 20 minutes. We were there for about 30 minutes to take advantage of the beautiful golden sunset before heading home to the two pieces of Halloween candy they earned for cooperating. I have more then a few outtakes but here’s a few that I love!
I promise they don’t act like this every day. In fact Ethan was a little put out that I would dare ask him to act affectionate with his sister.

And here’s Ethan, he was a sour puss for 90% of the photos this evening and he’s usually my easy one.

And then there’s Gracie, my princess who can’t seem to stay still long enough for me to snap her picture!

Doesn’t this just melt your heart?